Sunday, 17 July 2016

The Wedding & The Outfit!


Dress - House Of CB
Shoes - Zara
Accessories - Primark

OMG All! Yesterday was the wedding dayyyyy - not mine of course, but one of my good friends Ramarlo from school got married to his fabulous now wife Nicole who looked flawless in a gorgeous wedding gown adorned with a crystal bodice. Not only was it a beautiful day to watch the union of two people who genuinely love each other come together as one, but it was also filled with an element of nostalgia seeing old school friends all grown up - we are officially adults *sigh*

Everyone came dressed in their best including me of course, you know I had to turn up and slay in typical Shara style. The attire for the day was a beautiful silk jersey dress by 'House of CB' in a pretty taupe colour.

This dress literally fits like a glove and is like a second skin accentuating all of my curves (YAASS). My favourite detail is the high collar and centre drape which gives a nod to the Grecian style of dress and draping.

Advice: When wearing a high collared dress like this, pull your hair back so the focus remains on the dress, and wear seamless underwear to prevent any VPL.

The sit down meal and reception were just beautiful, the food was lovely and the atmosphere was filled with so much love and joy, I was just so happy for them. After the heartfelt speeches and pearls of wisdom been given by both family and close friends, the groom left us with some wise words - he said 'No matter what anyone else is doing, do what makes you happy'.

I left that night having eaten good food, danced away, catching up with friends and feeling happy for the newly weds on their new journey. :)

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