Monday, 30 January 2017

Over The Knee Boots & Yellow Jacket


Top - H&M
Jeans - Topshop
Jacket - Heroes Heroine
Boots - Kurt Geiger 

Hi guys! So honestly I've been having a hard time blogging lately, just in general I kind of feel like fashion design and styling has become so saturated and although I love it, it feels more like a popularity contest and I have no idea if my voice is being heard even though I've genuinely got skills - but I'll go into that on another post - I'll keep it happy today lol.

Today's outfit wasn't inspired by anything in particular apart from the fact that I'm obsessed with this jacket from 'Hero's Heroine', its actually a mens jacket but I love the over sized look that this gives me, which I think works well with the contrast of the tight crop top.

You know I always have to have a pop of colour in my outfits as well, so because it was grey and boring outside I had to bring out the yellow jacket, and to add some texture I simply pushed up the sleeves.

paired with my comfiest jeans which are my Joni's from TopShop, I wear these jeans all time and they are great with these fabulous over the knee leather boots from Kurt Geiger.

Growing up my Jamaican nan always used to say to me 'Yuh Muss wear leather shoes!' loool and now that I'm older I appreciate her words of wisdom and she's completely right! I know its the in thing to just wear plastic shoes from public desire for £30 because they're a good price, but honestly leather shoes are so much better for your feet because they will give and mould to the shape of your foot, your feet will thank you for it in the end and they last way longer.

I don't know what I'm doing here, why am I posing like I'm about to drop a 90's rnb mix tape loool.

Details. My necklace creates a nice break in the outfit and is brought together by by rings and bracelets.


Sunday, 8 January 2017

My 26th Birthday!!!


Dress - House of CB
Clutch - Primark

My Goodness how time flies. I remember leaving school - that was 10 years ago, and I remember going to uni for the first time (8 years ago) and getting my student ID, looking at the date which said year of graduation 2014 and thinking pfff thats ages away, and now I am 26 years old! *sigh* I feel like such a grown up.

My birthday is on January 5th and there are pros and cons of being born in January, cons being: it's always cold / raining so I can never have a bbq, and almost everyone has spent all their money on Christmas and New Years. BUT the pros are, I almost feel like I change as the year changes so it always feels like a clean slate and fresh start.

My birthday felt extra special this year, I didn't have a huge party, I just had me and my Mr Man and he went the extra mile to make everything perfect for me, so of course I had to have a fabulous dress.

This dress from 'House of CB' is perfect if you're a curvy girl because it will have you looking snatched! I absolutely love the quality of their dresses the fit is amazing and this colour is beautiful against my skin tone.

My day began with my boyfriend taking me to dinner at the 'Oblix' restaurant in 'The Shard', so the dress was the right amount of sexy with the cleavage, and the right amount of sophistication from the length and OMG! The view was breathtaking, and it just added another dimension to the whole dining experience.

The food was divine and I loved the presentation! For the starter it was Crab cakes with a lemon sauce, for the main it was lobster with garlic sauce and hand cut chips, and for desert I had this delicious array of sorbet.

The day didn't end there, my Mr had another surprise in store for me which turned out to be tickets to see the 'Lion King', and it was amazing! The actors were incredible and this great feeling of nostalgia came over me when I heard songs like 'Circle of life' and 'Hakunna Mattata'. My whole day from start to finish was special and I just felt overwhelmed that my boyfriend did all of this for me. I nearly cried but I didn't want to mess up my make up lool.

Overall my day was brilliant, I was overwhelmed by my boyfriend and by all the messages that had been sent to my phone and via social media, I felt really loved - and that's always a good feeling. Chapter 26, I believe it's going to be a fantastic year! :) xx
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