Monday, 27 March 2017

The Velvet Dress & Silver Jacket


Dress - Zara
Jacket - Zara
Boots - Lasula Boutique
Clutch - Dorothy Perkins

Hello my lovelies!

I've been running around like crazy lately from doing fashion assisting on the Craig David Arena Tour, to doing designs for the children's couture line I design for; so it was about time that I let my hair down and had a night out, all with the help of my little sister who came down to London from Manchester to spend the day with me.

I hadn't been out in aggggesss so obviously in true Shara style I wanted to dress up without being over dressed. Of course this lovely LBD had to make an appearance. This little black dress goes with everything, it can be dressed up or down, and has a slightly sexier edge to it due to it being made from velvet.

For a concert I thought these cut out over the knee boots were bang on trend, and also practical. The block heel allowed me the ability to dance all night without my feet hurting to much, and showed the right amount of skin - (sometimes I sacrifice comfort for the slay lol)

I threw on this gorgeous silver coat from Zara that just gave my outfit some jazz. The red lipstick however is a relatively new one for me - I only wear lipstick every now and again, but I thought this would be the perfect outfit for a red lip, and yyyyaaasss honey my lips came out looking juicy by the time I finished putting this on.

All in all I had a great night, we partied just enough and a great feeling of nostalgia came over me at the concert, of dancing away too songs I had grown up on, and also knowing that I was involved in the styling of an arena tour show is just mind blowing to me, and I think I only realised the scale of everything right then. #Happy :)


Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Assisting Alexis Knox on the 'Grinko' Fashion Show at Milan Fashion Week!

Something amazing happened last week (no I didn't win the lottery or meet J.Cole), I went to Milan! I've always wanted to go there, so when celebrity stylist Alexis Knox asked me if I'd like to assist her on the Grinko fashion show  I was like 'OF COURSE I WOULD'! The picturesque city with beautifully painted ceilings and intricately architect ed buildings did not disappoint.

Straight from the air port it was to the showroom where the magic of putting together looks began. The Grinko collection was full of innovative and asymmetrical shapes that I loved because they were so different, yet wearable, with running thread of deconstruction throughout the collection.

I certainly learned a lot about myself whilst assisting on this show, I learned that I could still get things done and found where I needed to be despite me not speaking Italian. It's important that as a fashion / styling assistant that you are on hand or in ear shot, and just using your initiative to get things done back stage at a fashion show, whether you are finding accessories, dressing models, doing final checks or bagging up clothes - I think I handled everything pretty well.

The food in Milan tasted delicious, and of course I had their signature dishes such as pasta and pizza, however my absolute favourite dish was a homemade strawberry risotto which I hope to get the recipe for.

This is just me grinning away because I was just so happy to be at the show, and this lovely young man was translating for me all day bless him.

I honestly can't get enough of how beautiful the buildings are here, they are just so full of character. The picture below shows the collection line up of what each outfit should look like on the model, which is a great reference for a stylist or an assistant so they can see if anything is missing from an outfit before the show.

Overall my trip to Milan was amazing! I would definitely go back as a tourist to just go sight seeing, but I'm glad I went as part of a team. This trip showed me that I have the ability to assist on international shows, not get over whelmed, to keep my head and do a good job. As I was sitting on the plane on the way back I thought, well done girl - you did good. Every now and then I've got to remind myself that little by little I'm doing a good job - yay me. :)

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