Thursday, 9 November 2017

TBT Being a Wardrobe Assistant on BBC Tv Game show 'Letter Box'

Hey my lovelies!

It's official, Winter is here and it is taking no prisoners! Fortunately for me I am currently wrapped up in my daffy duck onsie and blanket while I write this drinking a glass of red wine (ahhh good times). Today I thought I'd post something other than my usual style post and do a throw back Thursday to when I had the fabulous opportunity to be a wardrobe assistant on a BBC Tv series called 'Letter Box'.

Letter Box is a game show in which contestants essentially have to guess letters to fill in a word and whoever gets it right goes through a series of rounds and can win up to £2000, not bad!

I was excited to be involved, the production and wardrobe team had to get to set early to choose outfit options for contestants which were then taken into the studio to be screen tested and make sure they were appropriate for day time tv. Clothing that has a lot of prints or stripes on them can cause the cameras to strobe so where possible items like this are avoided for Tv.

Camera Testing outfits before the show

After clothing options have been confirmed, the wardrobe team steams and irons them, and they are organised into their correct rails for each show with the contestants. After contestants dressed final checks are done on the outfits at which point they are badged up and they are ready to start the show!

Options Rail

While filming is happening the wardrobe team were able to sit in the audience and in between filming if we notice that anything that is of place with an outfit we can do outfit checks and quickly fix it.

Wardrobe Team :)

Overall assisting on this show was great, the production team was welcoming and lovely and the head stylist and the other wardrobe assistants I was working with were just amazing, it was so much fun and I would definitely do it again :) xx

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