Monday, 12 February 2018

I Designed a jumper called 'Power 2 The People'

Trousers - Pretty Little Thing
Jacket - Zara
Ankle boots - Zara

Hi all,

This time tomorrow most of us will be sitting in packed cinemas across the UK with our sweet and salted popcorn, eagerly anticipating the opening of the screen curtains to debut what we've all been waiting to watch for the last year - BLACK PANTHER!

I'm so excited, not only because it's a black cast with a black director at the helm, but because it's going to showcase black folk in all their glory, from the costumes and traditional dress, to strong women at the forefront, showcasing black super heroes on screen, AND it has Angela Basset in it so you already know it's going to be good.

I've always been a huge advocate for accurate representation, and to get to see black super heroes on screen is just incredible. Young black children will have super heroes that look like them and that they can actually identify with to look up too. In a recent interview with 'Gal Dem' magazine Lupita N'yongo said

'The fact that this particular image the 'Black Panther' has natural hair and dark skin and women in positions of power, it's just demystifying a whole lot of things that is really going to change the way children see themselves, in the back of their's the reconditioning of the subconscious mind and that's where the real change comes'.  

I completely agree, so of course I had to design my own jumper to go and see this, I wanted to design a product that all people of colour could wear that really celebrated and encouraged them. On the jumper you will see phrases like 'Black Beauty', 'Melanin', 'Black hair', 'Black Literature' etc. All of these things are important and help shape who we are, we are great and have purpose.

I'm excited to see all of the street styles tomorrow as well because I know people are turning out to watch this film in their traditional African attire, and I can't wait. I'm happy that as a designer I've created something that contributes to the betterment of people of colour.


Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Hey all!

Can you believe it's nearly Valentines day again? Between the dark nights, blistering cold and the day of love inconveniently falling on a Wednesday this year, it's very tempting to just hibernate in the warmth of your home and do some 'Netflix and chill' (which is not a bad idea), BUT there are a few fabulous items on the high street right now that will make you want to dress up and go out on a date with yourself if you have no date!

The 1st outfit I've called 'Out with hubby' - ladies if you're out with your man, get sexy! Show off your figure in this lovey bandage dress from 'House of CB'. Wearing a gold court shoe will elongate the legs, and this gorgeous 'Ted Baker' fuchsia coat adds a pop of colour which looks very sweet next to this glittery 'Love' clutch.

If you really cba this year and you'd much rather stay in the house than  wait 45 minutes for a table in a packed restaurant with another 30 minute wait for the food, then do just that! Staying in doesn't mean it has to be boring, why not slip on some sexy pyjamas, have a nice home cooked dinner with some wine and watch a cheesy film. To be honest this is probably what I will end up doing.

However you spend Valentines day or whoever you spend it with, as long as you are happy, healthy and in good spirits, that is the main thing - have a blessed week my dears xx :)

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