Sunday, 25 January 2015

Shara Illustration

Hi Guys! Instead of doing a street style like I do nearly every Sunday, I thought I'd switch it up a bit and show another passion of mine - designing! I studied Art & Design at G.C.S.E and A- level, and then went on to study fashion Design & Development at the London College of fashion, so I've always been creative. A lot of the time my drawings are to get what is in my head out in front of me so I can start my making process, but I find it quite thearputic as well.

                                                                                  Illustration - ' Sweet Thang'

My style is a mixture of drawing the outlines with fine liner pens, and sometimes I will use water colour or pro markers, but I loooove filling them with colour in Adobe Illustrator. I absolutely love bold vibrant colours and my illustration style definitely reflects that, making them quite animated or cartoon like. Afros will always be a part of my designs as you can see, I literally cannot design without them I think they are fabulous!

  Illustration - Kill 'em with fineness

I thought I'd share three illustrations with you today of some new and older work. My plan is to stay on top of my illustrating and upload a new one every Wednesday, I hope you like them! :)

                                                                              Illustration 'Print Phabulous'


Sunday, 18 January 2015

Colour Blocked!

Jacket: Matalan
Jumper: H&M
Disco Pants: Ebay
Shoes: Zara
Bag: Urban Outfitters
Snood: Urban Outfitters

Today was yet another cold one but not as freezing or dreary as it's been over the last few days, so I took full advantage of the blue sky and decided to go for a colour blocked look that was still practical for the weather.

I decided to stick with disco pants today as there was still a chill and I love the high waist on them emphasising my curves and making my legs look longer than they are.

I'm obsessed with mohair so I wore my lovely warm H&M jumper which was £10 in the sale. The jumper with the disco pants by themselves are a very chic outfit if you like the less is more approach.

I went all out with the colour today and wore my gorgeous leaf green jacket from Matalan. I love jackets like this because of the structure and business edge they give to an outfit.

I'm in love with my snooooooood! Guess how much it was? - £3! - Yess £3! *church stomp* I got it from the Urban Outfitters January sales, it was originally £28, and I literally couldn't believe it when I saw it. They had them in four different colours, but of course I went for the brightest one, and its a great way to jazz up your outfit.

Advice: Ladies if your a person who doesn't wear a lot of colour but likes a pop of colour every now and again, the best way to achieve this is through accessories. Things such as bangles, earrings and scarves are great, because they are small and removable. With this snood you could have on all black and just this pop of colour.

My earrings complimented my jacket nicely, and my statement ring from LBD gems at £15 brought my coral nail varnish to life.

My beauties aka my shoes are from Zara (obviously). They were actually a bargain for £19.99, I think a pair of court shoes add sophistication to an outfit.


Monday, 5 January 2015

The Birthday Girl Outfit! - Turning 24

Dress: French Connection
Shoes: Zara
Earrings: Primark
Bracelet: Forever 21
Necklace: H&M

I will forever be convinced that even though it's mostly cold and dreary, January is fabulous. Not only is it the start of the new year and fresh beginnings , but the 5th of January is also my birthday. This year I turn the big 24 (heave) although sometimes I'm anxious about getting older, this year for me is especially significant because I've graduated from uni, I'm back home, and I got to spend my birthday with my closest friends.

We had a great time at a restaurant called 'Coast to Coast' on Birmingham's Broad Street, who served great food. My friends made me laugh all night, they sang me a lovely birthday song, blessed me with gifts and not to mention my outfit was fierce if I do say so my self. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE!


Sunday, 4 January 2015

Vlog! - Boxing Day Wardrobe Haul!

After Christmas I decided that I wanted new shoes to add to my collection, so what did I do? I stayed up like a true shopaholic until midnight and waited for the boxing day sales to go live on the Zara page, and I was not dissapointed! I also got a few great bargains from H&M, Top Shop and Urban Outfitters.

I thought I'd do a video to show you guys what I'd got, I was so excited I couldn't just write about it, I wanted to tell you in person! :)

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