Thursday, 27 February 2020



Dress: Oh Polly
Shoes: Asos
Bag: Boohoo
Photographer: LM Visuals

Ok ok calming down and breathing slowly.

Everyone! I Shara Tanasha Johnson aka princess of everything fashion and fabulous has just got engaged! Well not just, my fiancé proposed in the most beautiful way on Valentines day and to be honest I'm still really overwhelmed with it all and I keep crying with happiness.

Apparently he'd been planning this for months and had gone to my parents in December to ask them for their blessing to marry me, and then had spent ages finding the perfect ring for me. I on the other hand completely oblivious to what was being planned, accidentally nearly sabotaged the whole thing by being difficult. My boyfriend had informed me that he had planned a photoshoot for us on Valentines day, and honestly I didn't have any inclination that he would propose because we were supposed to do a photoshoot a couple of years ago.

Instead of guessing it would be a proposal I went into full fashion stylist mode two weeks before and started saying to him 'babe we need to do the shoot later in the day, why is it so early? We need hair and makeup, we need a theme, we need outfit changes, we should wear matching outfits, let me choose your outfit, I don't think you've thought about the logistics of this, why aren't you listening to me I'm a fashion stylist I know what we should be doing!' (bless my boyfriend he was doing his best to just ignore me and continue with his plans).

Then in the morning my make up wouldn't go right and I had a massive nose bleed out of nowhere and I said 'AAAHH I don't feel like going out anymore' (me just being a total drama queen and having a mini meltdown).

Eventually I was dressed and he took me to the beautiful location of 'Sky Gardens' on the 35th floor to the 'Sky Pod Bar' in central London, and I said 'oooo babe this is gorgeous!' In true Shara style I was so focused on the lovely location and us getting fabulous pictures and making sure all of our angles were right and me saying 'yaaassss' every two seconds admiring what an amazing job the photographer was doing, I didn't for one second think anything was out of the ordinary, I literally thought 'this is great! we're having fab pics taken, I will have great content for my blog' and to be honest I was already so happy that he'd planned this I wasn't thinking about anything else.

We walked along the garden landscape admiring the view and then we came across two chairs and he said to me, 'babe I think we should do an impromptu gratitude talk'. A gratitude talk / walk is something that we've done throughout our relationship, it's when we go out into a neutral space and we talk about all the things we are thankful for in each other, our relationship and all the things we would like to improve on in our relationship just so that the line of communication between us is always healthy, so again I didn't think anything was out of the ordinary because we've always done this.

I was completely shocked when I stood up to put my jacket on, I turned around and he was on one knee and said 'before we go I just want to ask you will you marry me?'
At this point I was absolutely stunned because I had no idea this was coming. I had always made it clear to him that I didn't want to get married in my twenties, and that my thirties is when I would think about marriage, but when I saw him down on one knee my whole heart just felt so full and I cried with joy because he was showing me that he loves me so much  that he wants me to be his wife and build a future with me. Through tears and blurry mascara I said 'Yes'! and he puts the most beautiful ring on my hand.

Literally every emotion was running through me at once - I was happy, nervous, overwhelmed, and he looked at me and said, this is about us, there's no rush, if it takes us 1, 2, 3 years or whatever to get married its ok, I just wanted to show you how serious my intentions are'. Honestly guys I was so happy, I feel so safe with him.  I've never wanted to feel under pressure to get married because I know how much societal pressure there is for women to be married by a certain age, but him reassuring me was all I needed and I couldn't be more thankful.

After me crying my eyes out, he turned to the crowd of people who had formed to see what was going on and said  'SHE SAID YES!', everyone clapped and was congratulating us, and we got complimentary glasses of champagne.

Whilst I know that we have a lot to plan and a wedding to plan, right now I'm just enjoying this stage of being engaged. I'm a fiancé WOW! and honestly this man has shown me nothing but love since the day I met him, he always go out of his way to make me feel like a princess, and although I know that marriage isn't always going to be roses and cuddles, I'm excited to share my future with him. Xx  :)

Just Us. <3


Friday, 21 February 2020


Hello my lovelies!

Let me start off by saying welcome back to my blog! I feel like its been a while since I've really been consistent with my blog posts. Between my styling job and just living life I needed a bit of a hiatus to concentrate on what I was doing and some time to reflect. In September my Mr and I decided to travel to the beautiful country of Mexico where we stayed in the authentic city of Puerto Vallarta on the Pacific Coast.

The 33 degree weather and endless green landscapes of nature were absolutely breathtaking, the food was delicious and our stay was jam packed with excursions, exploring and lots of late night entertainment. Check out my vlog below too see everything my Mr and I got up to.

We went to a famous part of Peurto Vallarta called the 'Malecon' which is Spanish for the 'Boardwalk' which had all of the clubs, bars, restaurants and lots of interesting market stalls selling everything from clothing, jewellery and paintings done with coffee beans.

My absolute favourite part of our holiday was visiting a private island one hour away from our hotel by speed boat called 'Las Caletas' - it was amazing! I sat in a hammock, went in the sea, drank from a coconut, fed a sea lion, held a monkey and kissed a parrot! Be warned you will see some insects and lizards that you have never seen before, and you WILL put on weight when you go to Mexico because the food is just incredible.

We also had the pleasure of seeing a theatre performance called 'Rhythms Of The Night', think fire breathing, over sized costumes, acrobats, singers dancers and contortionists with lots of lights and colour, IT WAS AWSOME! And to end the night we had a candle lit dinner in the middle of a warm thunder storm in a thatched restaurant whilst one of the entertainers played the guitar and sang - honestly it is probably the most romantic dinner I've ever had.

Our second to last day was spent doing an active adventure tour where we abseiled down the side of water falls and zip lined across a rainforest, I scared out of my mind but I'm glad I challenged myself and did it, and I'm happy I did because it was so much fun. The journey to the adventure tour was a great eye opener to see authentic Mexico and how people live, from fishing villages to people living in the hills.

Over all I had the most amazing holiday in Mexico, words cannot describe how happy I felt when I was there, and I got to experience it with the person that makes me the happiest :)

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