Monday, 29 June 2015

Lime Green Bikini & Beach Bag


Bikini - Dorothy Perkins
Flip Flops - Primark
Sunglasses - Primark
Beach Bag - Primark

Today was yet another beautiful day out here in Tunisia, and we decided that we were going to take full advantage of the sun and go to the beach and do some jet skiing.
OMG! I was so excited, and decided to wear a bikini that was cute, but still practical and secure so that it wouldn't come undone on the jet skii.


I lovvvvve this green bikini from Dorothy Perkins which creates a colour pop against my skin tone. I particularly like the small cut outs as a design detail.

My sunglasses from Primark finish off my outfit perfectly.

Of course you have to go the beach with a bag to store all the essentials in, so I decided to opt for this large monochrome zig zag beach bag from Primark for £5. I love the elongated rope handles, and the print stands out as a nice contrast against the bikini.

Just in case it got a bit nippy, or in the case that I wanted to walk over to the bar, I put on this lovely lace black kimono from Urban Outfitters which was a bargain at £10 in their sale. 

Of course I had my yellow flip flops on from Primark, and admittedly they were not suitable for walking on the sand with, but they looked good with my bikini and that's the main thing lol.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Bikini Body & Flip Flops

Hi Guys!

It's been a loooong while since I have actually posted a street style, but don't worry I am back in the full swing of things with a holiday edition, and will be keeping a travel diary of outfits.

I've been long overdue to have a holiday break, and have flown out to beautiful and sunny Tunisia for two weeks. I feel so peaceful and relaxed.

Today was our first official day, so what did we do? We went straight to the beach of course! The bikinis went straight on.

I decided to wear this pink two piece floral bikini from George Asda which I love because it gives me great support, especially if I'm running about on the beach and I don't want to be spilling out everywhere.

I paired it with these lovely neon pink flip flops that I picked up from Primark for £3, which are very comfortable, and surprisingly they didn't make me my feet sweat at all considering it was so hot.

I finished it off with these very expensive looking round glasses for a retro look that cost me a bargain price of just £2 from Primark, and my fabulous smile - chhhheeeeeeese! :)


Thursday, 18 June 2015

Bargain Bag Buys!

Purple Bag - Dorothy Perkins
Coral Bag - Primark (Similar here)

So the June Sales are certainly underway! I just wish I could actually say 'Summer Sales', but once again the unpredictable British weather seems to have forgotten that its actually supposed to be summer. Non the less I've picked up some great bargains, but the shop that has really impressed me  is Dorothy Perkins. I originally went in there for bikinis, but their bag sale was way to good to pass up (I tried to resist temptation - I failed lol).

The first bag I got was this lovely coral coloured clutch from Primark, although it wasn't on sale at £8 I still class it as a bargain. I love the gold laser cut embellishment which adds another dimension to the bag. This bag is great to pair with a simple outfit such as an LBD (little black dress).

This next purchase I am sooooooo proud of. Being the bargain hunter I am, I managed to literally spot this purple clutch bag which was the last one despite there being about 6 women looking in the bag section. I snatched it up and asked the sales assistant how much it was, and she said - £3! - £3!!! Can you imagine my excitement? I went straight to the till.

This soft clutch is a great statement piece, which can be dressed up or down depending on where you're going.

Last but not least this baby pink soft clutch from Dorothy Perkins was a bit of a spontaneous purchase, but at £5 I felt that as a fashionista I would be doing myself a great injustice by not taking advantage of the sale and buying it. I think this will again look lovely with a plain outfit or a pastel outfit, think camel, blush and nude yeeeeesssssss!

I think its fair to say that bags are a bit like shoes - you can never have to many! :) 


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Illustration - Morning Prayer & Meditation

Hi Guys!

Over the last couple of weeks I haven't done a street style, due to being busy but I've also been feeling very reflective over the last few days. 

Yesterday will have been exactly one year since I have graduated from Uni, and I have been reflecting on the past year and the things I have achieved as well as the goals that I have in mind to do before the end of the year.

I am particularly happy that I have started my Fashion YouTube channel and this blogging journey, I usually blog and do a street style every week, but sometimes it's neccessary to step back from everything , pray, be quiet, have a time of reflection, recharge and then keep going, I did this illustration because I think it accurately depicts how I've been feeling.

Don't worry! Next week it will be back to street styles as usual - In the mean time enjoy and take some time out to reflect for yourself. Have a good week.

Shara Illustration - Morning Prayer & Meditation

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