Thursday, 31 December 2015

The New Years Eve Dress! - Happy New Year!


Dress - Missguided (similar here)
Shoes - Zara 
Clutch Bag - Zara (similar here)
Jacket - Rokit
Bracelet - Forever 21
Rings - LBD Gems

OMG I actually cannot believe that that this time tomorrow I will be sitting in the year 2016, I literally don't know where the time has gone. Not only am I turning the big 25 next week, but it is New Years eve and you know what that means - its an excuse to get all dressed up! In collaboration with the five star  'Grand Del Mar' in San Diego, I put together an outfit that I would wear to go to their fabulous New Years Eve party. 

Looking at all the gorgeous hotel images, I was immediately drawn to all the greenery, and was inspired by the impressive gold and yellow decor in the luxurious rooms.

Hotel Interior and restaurant

I decided to opt for this beautiful olive green middi length dress from Missguided which was a bargain £5! The length of the dress makes it appropriate for going to a sophisticated dinner in the acclaimed restaurant, but the key hole cut out at the top makes it the right amount of sexy to go for a glass of prossecco at the bar.

I decided to do a bit of pattern clashing with this vintage jacket that I picked up from 'Rokit' in Covent garden for £11. This jacket is great to throw over a plain dress to jazz it up, and to also keep you warm when travelling from one event to another.

I decided wear simple accessories such as my LBD rings to compliment this suede and snake print clutch bag from Zara, and the bracelet from Forever 21 just adds an extra bit of oomphh to it all.

I'm obsessed with these pointed gold court shoes from Zara, they instantly make any outfit look sophisticated and expensive.

With all that being said, this is my last style post for 2015! Guys thank you for joining me and reading my posts, I really appreciate all the support. In 2016 you can look forward to more of my style posts, but until then - See you soon & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :) :) :)


Sunday, 27 December 2015

Black Coat & Burnt Orange


Coat - TopShop - (bought from Ebay)
Joni Jeans - Top Shop
Yellow Jumper - H&M
Bag - Urban Outfitters
Rings - LBD Gems

And just like that Christmas is over for another year, I know it's sad right? Christmas is actually my favourite time of year, but the one good thing about Christmas drawing to a close, is that the sales start, and believe you me I am what you call a real bargain hunter. A lot of the sales actually started two days before Christmas, so I wrapped up warm, and headed out for some bits and pieces.

I actually bought this fabulous bargain 'Top Shop' coat from Ebay for £6.00, I was sooo proud of this purchase and it was brand new can you believe it!It's actually a lot warmer than it looks, and not only that, the structure of it just makes any outfit look more sophisticated and smart.

I decided to pair the coat with my pair of black Joni Jeans that are super comfortable and fit me like a glove. Girls if you have thick thighs and a small waist...believe me these jeans are your friend!

Wearing so much black at once always makes me feel a little depressed lol, so I broke it up with a bright yellow jumper from H&M, and added another burst of colour from the bright orange scarf which made me smile and feel warmer. 

My hands were blinged up today with the fabulous rings from LBD Gems.

I always like to make my eyes pop and today was no exception. I used the 'Sleek' 'Acid' eyeshadow palette using silver and then green in the corners od my eyelids for an ombre effect.

Last but not least, let us stop for a second to appreciate these gorgeous Carvela shoes. I was in Kurt Geiger and picked them up and did a double take at the price, I got them for... wait for it....£9! I was like YYYAAAASSSSS! I thought it was an error lol, but I swiftly took those straight to the till, I was not taking any chances, and reduced from £65 for Kurt Geiger shoes that is what I call a steal. :) 


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas Bake Day with Bae!

Hi Guys!

First of all let me apologise for being completely awol for the last couple of weeks, work had literally taken over my life for a second leaving me no time to blog, and when I did find the time the weather was completely crap (This is England after all, and like the people - it's unpredictable). 

But It's nearly Christmas! Can you believe it? I honestly cannot believe that the year has gone by so fast, and honestly I haven't been feeling all that festive this year - that is until my boo came to see me - eek! I was so excited I decided that we should be festive, get our aprons on and do some baking (my idea not his, he was not here for the baking at all loool).

To be honest everything certainly did not get off to a great start, we completely messed up the frosting and couldn't use it, and ended up doing red velvet cupcakes without frosting (shocking I know)

, We didn't get deterred though, we just turned up the volume on the Christmas playlist which included the B2K version of 'Jingle Bells', Destinys Child '8 days of Christmas', TLC 'Sleigh Ride' Joe 'This Christmas' and some good old Kirk Franklin (my boyfriend was going in with some dancing as well lool).

By the time we got to cutting out the cookies, we were literally in a competition on who could make the best star, he thinks his stars were better than mine, but we all know that is not true. I was so excited for them to come out of the oven - and they looked a mess, they didn't look like stars at all lol, but when all else fails - Improvise!

We (or I rather) decided to do Christmas sundaes! When things don't go to plan, be imaginative and innovate! I broke apart the red velvet cupcakes for the first layer of the desert, and then put vanilla ice cream on top, then another layer of our hot mess (but tastey) cookies, then more icecream and topped it off with whipped cream. If you don't have a sweet tooth this is definitely not for you , otherwise its just YAASSSSSS!

(I secretly think he was trying to hide his apron lol)

Over all I just had so much fun for the whole day. Honestly I didn't really care that everything didn't go to plan, I was just happy to be spending time with the man in my life that makes me feel special. That's what Christmas is all about guys! Its not about how much you spend on someone, it's about spending time, creating moments and having fun with the ones you love.

Not everyday Fashion, sometimes, just spend time bonding with the ones that matter and creating memories. Happy Christmas! :)


Thursday, 10 December 2015


Hi Everyone!

A couple of weeks ago I decided to do a video on my thought and frustrations about people who touch my hair without asking - I can't stand it! In the video I give a little back story and I explain why - Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe to my channel! :)

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